
Here are some passwords to my games.. hide your eyes and press the 'back' button if you prefer to beat games without cheating..
Note that you enter passwords by pressing F8 to display the menu bar, then selecting 'password' from the 'game' menu. You may have to enter the password more than once before Klik & Play recognises it.

Bamboo Dragon Warrior

First bonus stage (poison food): bluevein
Lead-in rubbish for second level: getdark
Second level: kurai
Second bonus stage (ikebana): sunippu
Contemplate the dragon ball: hmmm
Nonsense screen #52831: sasaki
Third level: firework
Wise proverbs: wiseword
Third bonus stage (smoking): nickteen
Early lead-in stuff for boss level: hitstory
Phonecall from Hitachi Sukkimota: wingring
Boss level: ulosenow
Losing screen: youlose
Congratulations screen: cheat
Hear the theme song (danger!): othepain

Flop Wrestling

Ric Flair's ending screen: flairwon
Randy Savage's ending screen: randywon

Space Wasters 3

first boss: tuffjoke
second level: missn2
second boss: textbook
third level: gaastime
third boss: marksawf
losing sequences: 1lose, 2lose, 3lose
winning sequences: wonone, goodjob2, 3won

Crankshaft Derby

passwords to skip straight to a level: 1,2,3,4,5,6,7

Space Wasters 1

first boss: textbook
second level: schnitze (you don't need the 'l')
second boss: (cannot be reached by password)
third level: jag
third boss: none (the word 'none' is the password)
fourth level: handout
fourth boss: lollipop

First to 100

jump to a level: level1, level2, level3, level4....
During play, press 'n' for another ball to speed things up, or press 'f' for 'frantic mode'.

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