Deadly Kickboxing
Creator: Heiko Thies / HT Software
This is an excellent and original (for K&P) fighting game, and its creator has
done well to make a successful game in a genre that Klik & Play is
not very suited to.
Deadly Kickboxing lets you pick from either one or two player modes, and
fight in several different arenas using a range of different moves.
In the one player mode, you must defeat The Champ's four best fighters
before eventually facing The Champ in combat..
It's all reminiscent of a bad $2-per-week martial arts video from the
bottom of the shelf.
"I am the champion!
No one can defeat me.
You fool want to try it anyway?
Why not. It may be quite funny to kill you."
There are even fatalities you can perform if you know the right keys to press..
The one where the computer player brutally snaps your neck is really funny..
One of the really clever things about Deadly Kickboxing is the computer opponent.
This is quite difficult to achieve in Klik & Play, but in this game has been
done well. The computer will attack you with various punches and kicks,
but isn't so smart when you aren't fighting at close range.
Several friends tried this game and all got beaten on their first go,
until they figured out that unfortunately all you have to do is jump-kick.
The graphics in Deadly Kickboxing are hand-drawn and the sound effects
are also original. A 3d program appears to have been used for some of the
backgrounds and headings. The presentation would have got a perfect score
if the creator had given a few more clues, such as 'press ESC to exit/skip'..
Overall, this game has surprisingly good gameplay (let down only by the
jump-kick being too good), a well-done but lethargic computer opponent,
and is generally made to a high standard. The weakest points are some of
the graphics and sounds, but they do give the game character and make it
very amusing...
Graphics: 7/10
Sound: 8/10
Music: ----
Presentation: 9.5/10
Playability: 9/10
My rating: 9/10
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