In The Pit

Creator: Craig Jardine / Virtually Real

In The Pit is a puzzle-type game where you must get the little orange ball through strategic levels of moveable blocks, spikes, switches and even hedgehogs. Graphics are mainly altered clip art images, giving the game a neatly drawn look, and the large number of levels must have required some time to make.
about to be spiked
Regrettably, the game is incredibly frustrating. The orange ball suffers from K&P hotspot problems, and K&P's rather suspect collision detection is evident in some places. In The Pit often requires the player to make jumps which, due to their distance and the fact that the other platform is often not visible until mid-way through, are very difficult. Each time you lose a life you must restart the level, and when all your five lives are gone you go to an irritating 'game over' screen which you cannot skip. With lots of practice, though, you may be able to progress through more than one of the many levels in the game, and if you enjoy puzzle games then this could be for you.

Graphics: ----
Sound: 8/10
Presentation: 9/10
Playability: 4/10

My rating: 7/10

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