No matter how long you spend searching the web, the most you'll find about Track Attack is about one Games Domain review, a listing in a Playstation titles catalogue, and this site. It seems to be a bit of a mystery game, as even Microprose have no mention of it on their own website. I have purchased a copy, however, and will now proceed to actually mention the software many times in a row....
Track Attack is an arcade-style racing game for one player, providing multiple camera views and supporting modem, serial link and 4-player Network options.
Some of the features which make it stand out include its 'Dynamic Track [morphing] System', the well-developed 'ramming' in the game and the overall approach to car physics.
2001 Look Back at Track AttackI'm not playing Track Attack that much any more, because it's too easy for me and too hard for anyone else. The fact that the game's handling is quirky and difficult to get used to means that I can't persuade anyone else that the game is good.Every now and then I boot it up, though, crank the instrumental metal soundtrack and burn through a championship, trying to knock out as many opponents as possible in each race. A good road rage game. |